
Battalion Fall Formation 1984 - Alpha Company to the right and Bravo Company - with Battalion Staff in the background. Alpha Company is commanded by Dave Swain and Bravo Company by Ron Steffen. Note also the old classroom in the middle of the drill deck on left - Ken Green, '85

LTJG Ken Green jogging on USS CARR (FFG 52), September 1987, while the ship was crossing the Atlantic enroute the Persian Gulf. Note the 1980's short shorts and careful attention to trip hazards - Ken Green, '85
LTJG Ken Green is the Boat Officer of USS CARR's motor whaleboat during the ship's rescue at sea of USS BONEFISH (SS 582) when she caught fire and had to be abandoned 160 miles off the East coast of Florida, 24 April 1988. Click on the image for a Wikipedia article for details. - Ken Green, '85

1985 Joint Commissioning Ceremony Program - Ken Green, '85

1985 Joint Commissioning Ceremony Invite - Ken Green, '85