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Membership is available to all UW NROTC Alumni, graduates, former faculty, and staff members of the University of Wisconsin Madison's Department of Naval Science. Additionally, any individual who expresses an interest in serving the University of Wisconsin Madison's Department of Naval Science and is committed to supporting the goals of the Association may join. Memberships are based on the calendar year and are not prorated.
Membership Dues:
Annual Membership $25
5-Year Membership $100
Lifetime Membership $300
Membership dues are used to fund Association operations and support our Midshipman with Battalion events, awards, and recognition. Dues and donations help maintain our enduring Award Trust Fund that was established over 25 years ago. 5-Year and Lifetime members are recognized in the Badger Shipmate newsletter. Lifetime members are recognized on this website.
You can pay via the link above or dues can be mailed to:
UW NROTC Alumni Association
PO Box 5205
Madison, WI 53705-0205
Need to update your membership information?
Contact Us via email: (include new contact information)